Good nutrition plays an integral role in your overall health and development, and it’s all about eating a healthy, balanced diet. Superfoods are foods rich in nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. As the name suggests, they keep your body super healthy and protect it from free radicals.

When your organs are functioning properly and your body stays healthy, you can live a more productive life. Here are five awesome foods to include in your diet for optimal health.

Whenever you hear the name ‘avocado’, you might think of salads, sandwiches or smoothies. However, did you know that in the superfood hall of fame, avocado is really amazing? It contains fiber, vitamin E, polyphenols, magnesium, and folate, just to name a few. If you’ve been avoiding fatty foods, an avocado is not one to run away from. It is known to contain healthy fats or monounsaturated fats that reduce cholesterol levels. Avocado is also known to aid in digestion and weight loss.

Broccoli can be referred to as a cruciferous vegetable, which means it belongs to the cabbage family. It might not be your favorite vegetable, but it may soon become one after reading this. This superfood contains the most powerful antioxidants and is the king of vegetables when it comes to nutrient density. The antioxidants in it protect your body from free radicals. Free radicals may cause cancer and cardiovascular diseases. This is why you will also need broccoli in your daily meals to help your immune system fight against diseases.

Although garlic is normally associated with improving cholesterol and heart health, it also has a whole host of benefits for your body. This superfood contains antibacterial, antiseptic, and antifungal properties. It is a natural antibiotic that fights infections like urinary tract infection (UTI) and helps to maintain bladder health.
If you have a weak or sensitive bladder, it’s important to increase your garlic intake to reap the full benefits. Maintaining bladder health is essential to prevent poor bladder control and damage, which could require you to wear all types of catheters to support urination. The best thing about this superfood is that you can commit to eating a clove of garlic every day or simply add it to your meals.
If you’re on a low-fodmap diet, you’ll want to avoid Garlic.

Yogurt is another superfood that is important for gut health. It is high in protein, riboflavin, and calcium and contains live, active bacteria known as probiotics. Probiotics may keep your intestines healthy and boost your immune system. It is important to note that some types of yogurt are not good for you.
Consider opting for natural yogurt, which is low in calories and packed with nutrients like protein. Examples of good yogurt include Greek yogurt, soy yogurt, and kefir. Yogurt also has inflammatory benefits, which can restore your skin. A recent study has shown that yogurt can lower the risk of osteoporosis. It may be time to add this versatile and delicious superfood to your diet.

Beef is the king of superfoods with more nutrients than just about anything you’ll find in nature. Check out Rob’s post on all of the benefits of eating beef.
Quick review: combined, the nutrients found in beef help to provide:
- Assistance in transporting fats into our mitochondria for burning.
- Improvements with fasting glucose levels and the overall cholesterol profile.
- Prevention of unnecessary illness.
- Increased longevity.
- Reduction of chronic disease outcomes.
- A stronger immune system.
- Heart disease risk reduction.
- Support for neurological function.
- Improvement of sleep cycle and circadian rhythm.
- Improvement in mood and reduction of severe depression.
- Assistance in the growth of lean muscle mass.
- Protection from Anemia.
- Regulation for inflammation and improved healing.

To keep your body in top shape, consider adding these superfoods to your diet to keep you balanced and provide optimal health.
Reniel Collins
Monday 21st of November 2022
Steak, avocado, and broccoli have always been in my diet. Good to know it got so many benefits.