Let’s take a look at commonly used sweeteners and how they stack up on the glycemic index. The glycemic index is a good way to gauge how your body will react in relation to blood sugar and insulin secretion.
The higher the number, the bigger an impact that particular sweetener will have on your blood sugar. The lower the number on the glycemic index, the better the ingredient is for regulating (or maintaining low) blood sugar.

High Glycemic Score Sweeteners
Avoid these options when trying to manage diabetes, improve insulin sensitivity, or manage a ketogenic diet.
Maltodextrin Glycemic Index 110
Made from corn, rice, potato starch, or wheat. There is no benefit or need to consume Maltodextrin. Maltodextrin is damaging to blood sugar control. Maltodextrin is typically used as a filler or thickener to volume of packaged foods. It also helps to improve the shelf life of processed foods.
Dextrose/Glucose Glycemic Index 100
Is a sugar that is derived from corn or wheat. It’s obviously high on the glycemic index and should be avoided in all circumstances. There is no need for consumption on a regular basis of Dextrose. Avoid.
Sucrose Glycemic Index 65
AKA table sugar.
Maple Syrup Glycemic Index 54
That flavor brings back good memories. It’s a great, natural sweetener but it’s not doing you any favors if consumed long term and regularly.
Honey Glycemic Index 50
I love honey. A lot. I believe it’s an amazing option for adding sweetness, naturally. However, it’s not ideal for those trying to reverse insulin resistance. It’s not ideal for those on a therapeutic ketogenic diet.
Coconut Palm Sugar Glycemic Index 35
I like this option if specifically managing blood sugar isn’t your current focus.
Maltitol Glycemic Index 35
Often used in cheap sugar-free candy, Maltitol is not a good option for those trying to control blood sugar. Not as big of an impact as standard sugar or Maltodextrin but… it should be avoided.
Fructose Glycemic Index 25
Fructose is found naturally in fruit, some veggies, honey, and more. It’s used to make table sugar. Is Fructose terrible in its natural form? No. However, it’s not good for those trying to reverse metabolic disease or practice therapeutic ketosis. Too much Fructose will lead to problems. Fructose is believed to impair the composition of your blood lipids.
Drinking liquid fructose is absolutely not natural nor should anyone regularly consume liquid fructose. Only consume fructose in its natural state (not as a liquid beverage).
Low Glycemic Score Sweeteners
These low glycemic sweeteners are okay for most diabetics in relation to blood sugar. These options are okay for those on a Ketogenic Diet.
Xylitol Glycemic Index 12
Xylitol is typically found in gum and candy is not typically used in low carb baking. Xylitol is a sugar alcohol. If too much is consumed, expect GI pain.
Erythritol Glycemic Index 1
Erythritol is a sugar alcohol and is a great substitution for sugar (good like Allulose but offers a different baking experience). Eyrtithritol will not impact someone in Ketosis, and is a great option for diabetics who want sweet. Similar to Allulose, Erythritol may cause stomach discomfort if too much is consumed or if consumed with high amounts of fiber. Learn everything you need to know about Erythritol.
Stevia Glycemic Index 0
Some stevia variations have an aftertaste. However, Reb M doesn’t. It’s more expensive and it’s what we use in our zero calorie electrolyte blend. Stevia is a great option for anyone trying to manage blood sugar. Learn more about Stevia
Aspartame Glycemic Index 0
Will not raise blood sugar. Read more on Aspartame.
Sucralose Glycemic Index 0
Safe in cold applications. Read more about Sucralose.
Allulose Glycemic Index 0
Allulose is an amazing option for baking applications. Allulose retains moisture, tastes like sugar, and has ZERO aftertaste. However, too much will cause gut irritation. Want to know more about Allulose? Read this post on everything you need to know about Allulose.
Monk Fruit Glycemic Index 0
Monk fruit has gotten very popular in the last several years. It’s due to the fact that it sounds much more natural than other alternative sweeteners, it’s hard to argue negative impacts, and it’s a zero calorie sweetener.
Many brands that call their product “Monk Fruit Sweetener” are typically being a little dishonest. Most monk fruit sweetener blends contain more Erythritol (typically) than monk fruit. Monk fruit for many (as a stand alone sweetener) is not delicious (like Allulose). However, it does add sweetness and can be considered a perfectly keto and diabetic friendly sugar alternative.

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Glenn McGrew
Monday 12th of June 2023
Sucralose causes intestinal damage, according to studies, including one from NC State University.
Xylitol and sorbitol have a high enough GL to cause a sugar spot if you use more than a modest amount.
Dextrin is sold as fiber but it's made from starch and has a very high GL.
Thursday 21st of September 2023
@Glenn McGrew, I'd really like to see the reference info for those anti-sucralose studies.
Rob Benson
Wednesday 14th of June 2023
Can you point to human controlled data for this claim? "Sucralose causes intestinal damage, according to studies"
Lisa Sarenduc
Wednesday 29th of June 2022
I've been using "Julian Bakery Pure Monk" (nothing added) for several years now, mostly in my twice-daily matcha instead of the honey I used to use. I'm 75, diabetic, have congestive heart failure and now eat one meal/day, mostly fish/meat/eggs/nuts/ghee and some greens, no processed foods, sugar, dairy or starchy carbs. Matcha is a beneficial treat (I make it with Picnik instead of dairy, their unsweetened Keto version, the best "creamer" on the market) and "Pure Monk" makes it truly delicious, with no undesirable taste, using only the smallest amount to add the necessary sweetness. Monk Fruit is the only non-sugar sweetener which makes any sense to me; not cool that most of the brands have erythritol as the primary ingredient, deceptively making you search for that information.
Rob Benson
Thursday 30th of June 2022
Thanks for sharing! And yeah, the marketing for "Monk Fruit Sweetener" or "Sweetened with Stevia" on many products is accurate(ish) but misleading.
Janet Sutton
Wednesday 6th of January 2021
I have been on keto for almost 2 years ( last year I had gotten sick abs strayed away from keto, made me not feel so good but had to do what I needed to get better ) but I have always used monk fruit and I see you don't have anything on that on. Can you advise your thought on using it. Thank you
Angie Le Cras
Friday 26th of November 2021
@Rob Benson, Have you come across Monk Fruit Powder from Nuts.com? It said on the Ingredients: 100% Monk Fruit (Luo Han Guo) Please advice me on this…. Thanks a bunch!
Rob Benson
Wednesday 6th of January 2021
Sorry you had a bad go for awhile, that's not cool. Hope all is better now! Monk Fruit is about as good as it gets as far as a (healthy alternative sweetener). However, it's kinda nasty on its own (personal preference). Products like Lakanto (which I like and use) are labeled and sold as Monk Fruit Sweetener - which is misleading. The amount of Monk Fruit is VERY small in comparison to the Erythritol. Basically, the amount of Monk Fruit used in commercially produced products is very small (that's why I didn't list it). If you see it on the label of a product, I would be willing to bet the amount is VERY VERY small. Hope this helps!